Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Dora Who?

It's official... Emilie loves Dora. "Dora who?" some of you might ask. No, we don't have a new pet, I am speaking of Dora the Explorer whom Nickelodeon features 6 billion times a day. Well, not really but it feels that way with a 1 year old running around ordering you to turn on Dora. I have friends with little girls who are not at all surprised by this, apparently this is a normal "phase". They say don't worry, they usually get over it around the time the turn 3. Three???

I know Dora has been around a while because Abbie watched her when she was little. So I did a little digging and found out Dora first aired in 1999 so she has been around for a little over a decade. If you have never seen an episode I will fill you in on what Dora is all about. She is a little latina girl and in each episode she embarks on a journey with her best friend, Boots the Monkey, to help someone or find something. Along the way she faces different obstacles including a sneaky fox named Swiper. She always comes through in the end and saves the day. She also teaches spainish along the way, so I don't mind if Emilie wants to watch the same episode over and over. At least she will learn to speak spanish, right?

Today we went to the library and I decided to get some Dora books there so Em can fill her Dora needs in ways other than TV. We'll see how that goes.

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