We went to one of my oldest friends wedding this past weekend (and by oldest I mean I can't remember not knowing her). The wedding was in La Porte and about halfway there it started raining. Not a big deal, right? Wrong! It was an outdoor wedding and the house it was taking place at was not large enough to accommodate the people that were there. We tried to keep the kids under the tent as much as we could, but they were getting tired of being confined. The wedding was supposed to start at 3, but when 3:30 rolled around and there was no sign of the wedding beginning we decided heck with it and let the kids walk around in the misty rain as much as they wanted. Once the service was over (it was very nice) they released balloons and it sent Ari over the edge! He HATES it when they fly away. He just freaks out, so we had to leave. Both kids feel asleep almost immediately after we got in the car. Ari slept the whole way home, which resulted in a very late night for him. But that's another story!